Alison Guzman, Environmental Justice Outreach Coordinator

This is a great time to be engaged in protecting the environment ... because we’re winning!

It was just a year ago that we celebrated the launch of our new name and a renewed vision. A year later, we are proud to say that Beyond Toxics has created a noticeable shift in Oregon’s conversation about environmental human rights. (See our 2012 accomplishments)

You, as a member of Beyond Toxics, made it possible for us to engage the public for the protection of communities and their environmental health. Thank you for helping us to strive for our goal: an equitable, protected Oregon.


Like you, we want a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Like you, we care about our children’s health. And like you, we want a future free from the threat of toxic pollutants.

That’s why Beyond Toxics is here: we’re working hard to achieve tangible results based on sound principles.  Beyond Toxics was on the front lines of many of the issues that matter to Oregonians. And more importantly, we were effective.

Coal and Your Health. When Big Coal proposed to haul sooty, hazardous train cars loaded with coal through Oregon, Beyond Toxics responded with a Public Records Request to the Port of Coos Bay to bring to light the secret negotiations to build an export terminal.

We made the first local speech against coal at the Eugene City Club, and organized the first protest rallies. Citizens gathered at the Eugene Rail Yard, paraded in the Eugene Celebration, and rallied at the downtown library to make their will known. Those actions helped convince the City Council to oppose coal trains.

Pesticides and Innovative Research. When a federal investigation revealed that residents of West Lane County—including young children—had dangerous pesticides in their bodies, Beyond Toxics immediately published editorials, organized the successful Triangle Lake No Spray highway project, held rallies, and met with government officials to get an action plan in place. One of the many results of those efforts is a first-of-its-kind GIS mapping project that will display the impact of forestry pesticides on streams where salmon live. Combining concrete action with careful environmental research is how we are changing policy at the highest levels of State government.

Latina mother voices her concern about the health of her children and the connection to pollution in the Bethel neighborhood

Industrial Air Pollution and Our Community. When mothers complained about foul air hurting their children’s lungs in West Eugene, Beyond Toxics brought elected officials, the EPA, and state agencies into the neighborhoods to hear directly from parents and witness the problems first hand. As a result, Union Pacific Railroad agreed to carry out hazardous waste clean-up, and local government reversed plans to put new housing and schools across the street from heavy industrial polluters. These are real results that improve health in our communities.

So, there is reason to be hopeful! Protecting what you cherish is possible. And Beyond Toxics remains your vigilant advocate. Please know that your gift of $50, $100, or the amount that is right for you, will make a tangible difference in our 2013 projects:

1. Passing a new state law that establishes “pesticides as a last resort” when dealing with weeds and pests on public property.
2. Raising our voices and raising awareness to stop coal trains in Oregon.
3. Challenging industrial polluters whose toxic emissions harm the health of Oregon communities.

What is your part in this important work? We look to you, our members, donors and supporters, to join us in our next steps to remain ever vigilant for your health and the environment you cherish.

Lisa Arkin, Executive Director

Whether you read our blog, join us on an Environmental Justice Bus Tour, sign our petition for healthy bees, volunteer or make an annual donation, with your help, I know that we can build the momentum to succeed in this vitally important vision: an Oregon beyond toxics.

In gratitude for your support and in harmony with your vision,

Lisa Arkin, Executive Director

Our Accomplishments

Working together in 2012, we have accomplished so much!

In 2011--and continuing into 2012--Beyond Toxics' Environmental Justice project supported/sponsored/led 20 meetings of Madres para la Salud group and held 10 community workshops on asthma prevention and green cleaning for communities suffering from high asthma rates.

Gathering support and making our voice heard (2012 flyer of media coverage, testimonials, business support)

BEAUTIFUL tote bags now available for new members or membership renewals!

If you sign up for a new membership or to renew your membership at the $75 level before the end of the year, you'll get a FREE durable organic cotton tote bag (Made in USA!)*

Interested in our Safe Public Places project? Designate your donation for that great program when you join! From the "Program Designation" option near the top of the page, simply choose the "Safe Public Places" by clicking on the down arrow.

(*For the first 50 people who sign up for membership online.)


OTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible. Please consider giving a gift of an OTA membership to a friend or family member!

Join us on social media


Please join us in working for a world beyond toxics.

Beyond Toxics is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Please consider giving a gift of a Beyond Toxics membership to a friend or family member!



Lane County Office
120 Shelton McMurphey Blvd.
Suite 280
Eugene, OR 97401

+1 (541) 465-8860

Jackson County Office
312 N. Main St., Suite B
Phoenix, Oregon 97535

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1106
Eugene, OR 97440

Daily: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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