2023 Beauty of the Bee Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to our spectacular winners! And thanks to all the photographers who entered the contest this year. We are so glad to have your involvement and wonderful contribution.



Congratulations to our TOP WINNERS (see below): Claudia Husseneder, Steven Soltesz and Johanna Stiffler! Congratulations also to our amazing Honorable Mentions (see below): Mark Keating, and Debi Murk! Most Appreciated on Facebook: Amy McAndrew.

CLAUDIA HUSSENEDER_Leafcutteratwork_CU_1200px


Claudia Husseneder

Title: "Leaf cutter at work"

Tell our leaders Why is it so important to protect bees now?

Claudia says, Let me share this short epigram or ebeegram
To bee or not to bee
is not the question here
Bee gone
We gone"



Steven Soltesz
Title: "Melissodes Bee Sleepover

Tell our leaders Why is it so important to protect bees now?
Steven says, "One of the tenets of ecology is that greater biodiversity means more resilient environmental life support systems. Unfortunately, humans are quickly reducing earth's biodiversity, with the decline in the population of many native bee species a symptom of the problem. Fortunately, we can all do our part to protect native bees by restoring native habitat, but time is of the essence. The photo I submitted of sleeping bees was taken in my homegrown national park - my backyard. All of us can be part of the Homegrown National Park grassroots movement to restore nature. For inspiration, visit https://www.homegrownnationalpark.org/



Johanna Stiffler

Title: "Attending the Birth of a Queen Bee"

Tell our leaders "Why is it so important to protect bees now?"
Johanna says, "Bees just like the queen bee in the photo about to emerge from her queen cell into sunlight have helped humans for thousands of years. Bees pollinate our food crops, and share with us the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-bacterial - and tasty - fruits of their labor, honey! With the dangers of pesticides and disease threatening bees and therefore our own earthly food supply, it's our turn to help them. Planting diverse native gardens free from pesticides helps our little dancing friends lead each other to the healthiest and tastiest flowers."


Honorable Mentions



Honorable Mention 1

Mark Keating
Title: "Stand Bee-Side Me"

"Bees are a keystone species, and vital to life as we know it. Since bees are pollinators for so many food sources, the world as it exists today would not be possible without the help of bees. We need to stand beside our little friends to ensure their ongoing survival."

Debi Murk_DSC07628_DxO-aff_SweatBeeInAster-FB_900px

Honorable Mention 2:

Debi Murk
Title: "Sweat Bee in Aster"
Debi says, "Protecting bees and natural pollinators of all kinds ensures the survival of the world."

Savannah Mann_Bathed in Pollen-ORIGINAL

Director's Choice

Savannah Mann

Title: "Bathed in Pollen"

Tell our leaders Why is it so important to protect bees now?
Savannah says, "Pollinators are critical to the survival of people, which we can selfishly appreciate... however they are also creatures in their own right, and deserve to be able to exist in the world without dealing with the harmful man-made products that maim and kill them. Bees are such cool little creatures! I love watching them do their thing while I work in the garden. They deserve to have a future, and our "immaculate lawns" aren't worth the price they cost these little bees."


Amy McAndrew_TheSlumberParty


Amy McAndrew

Title: "The Slumber Party"

Tell our leaders Why is it so important to protect bees now?
Amy says, "We need the bees for survival of the human race! I use no chemicals in my gardens for this reason. I also have kept much of our property wild. I keep native plants to my area as well. I think the native bees are very important as well. I have insect houses for that purpose."