What they're saying about us
Eugene Mayor Vinis (12/12/23 press conference on toxic risks of the use of gas stoves):
"...Beyond Toxics has been and continues to be, a very important community partner for the city of Eugene. They have weighed in on many, many important issues over the years. This is another one [gas stove research] where they bring incredible value to the city of Eugene, because they do this research, and they do the outreach, and it helps us, as we are trying to work on public policy. So I am here because this is an important partner who is doing important research. That is a value to the city of Eugene."

Eugene Weekly's 2023 Give Guide - Environment
Beyond Toxics
“Beyond Toxics made a program available to get us (Bethel residents) free air purifiers. It was nice to see an immediate impact. You can really sense the unity and passion they bring into their work.”
— Kyle Meyer, west Eugene resident facing soil remediation due to dioxin contamination from J.H. Baxter Co.
We're actively engaged in training the next generation of environmental justice advocates in our Resilient Leaders in Action project. We recruit young people for this training twice a year: once for a spring series and once in the fall.
Eva (pictured left) is one of nearly 50 students who have completed our resilient youth leadership trainings.
"I feel like Beyond Toxics has given me an opportunity to know what this is something that I can do in the future and get involved with organizations like that as I get older. I want to play a role in activism in the future; it's not like the need is going to go away. If anything, it's going to keep getting worse if we don't take action." After the fires, "I started to think more about our Earth and how it needs to be protected because there are generations to come that are going to live here and it needs to be safe and healthy for them," she said.

Read Kyle's story living in West Eugene near the now-closed J.H. Baxter creosote factory.
"Beyond Toxics made a program available to get us free air purifiers. It was nice to see an immediate impact... You can really sense the unity and passion they bring into their work," he said.
Letter of appreciation from Kim Kelly
Dear Lisa and entire Beyond Toxics team,
I just finished reading the Fall/Winter newsletter and am completely blown away with what you all have accomplished this year.
As I finished reading it, ya'll collectively reminded me of Erin Brockovich - a woman who took on Pacific Gas and Electric because that entity or their contractors poisoned groundwater in Hinckley, CA.
Hollywood glitziness aside, I highly recommend watching the movie (about Erin Brockovich), as it is a true story. You are her: fierce, scrappy, caring and unwavering in your mission.
Brava and Bravo -- all of you.
~ Kim Kelly

Thanks to the work of former journalist, Emily Matlock, we have been collecting a series of stories from Lane County residents called, "Stories From Our Communities." She has been chronicling the impact Beyond Toxics has been making.
Jessi and James (pictured right) felt alone in their struggle against nearby industrial polluters and felt ignored by the agencies responsible for regulating them.
"This is potentially causing life-threatening illnesses for my family and the people that live here. Low income people like ourselves are so impacted and nobody will listen."
That’s where Beyond Toxics comes in. Our team has been laying the groundwork for grassroots community organizing in the neighborhoods affected by industrial polluters in Springfield.
"I feel so much support from the organization and the people involved. Nowhere in the United States is there an organization like Beyond Toxics that has that much outreach and that much compassion toward the community members," James said. "Not just in our experience, but from what I’ve witnessed in west Eugene with J.H. Baxter."
"It gives me hope," he added. "The future can be bright because there are people who care about the environment and about low income people.”
Lin is a longtime Bethel resident and community activist and has lived in the area for over 25 years. She is co-chair of the Active Bethel Citizens organization that partnered with Beyond Toxics and other community members which teamed up to find solutions to the pollution problems plaguing their neighborhood.
Together, with Beyond Toxics, Lin is working with local agencies to bring about change. The agencies, “listened to what the people feel, what we smell and how we’re living and what dangers there are to us. Lin said the agencies finally realized that “Bethel neighbors are people, and not just data points.”

We are listed under ENVIRONMENT in the 2022 edition of Eugene Weekly's Give Guide! Eugene Weekly quoted one supporter:
“It’s important to support the work of Beyond Toxics because they have the capacity and the knowledge to deal with all the agencies that are necessary to negotiate cleanups in our neighborhoods, negotiating laws and protections that the average person cannot navigate on their own.” — Andrea Di Palma, west Eugene resident

”In a world increasingly inundated with harmful chemicals and life-threatening pesticides,
it gives us solace knowing that Beyond Toxics is there to protect and defend all who
are threatened. From aerial spraying and neonicotinoids to harmful air quality and industrial chemicals, Beyond Toxics ensures that all living things receive representation for a stronger
and cleaner Oregon.
~ Shawn Donnille, Mountain Rose Herbs
Once again, Beyond Toxics is a featured nonprofit in Eugene Weekly's 2020 Give Guide
“Joining with Beyond Toxics gives me the ability to help be a voice for my community. Their passion to speak up for those individuals who have not been heard is what I value. Beyond Toxics has really helped me because I am one of those families harmed by the poor air quality in Eugene.”
–Arjorie Arberry-Baribeault, volunteer

Beyond Toxics is one of the non-profits featured in Eugene Weekly's 2019 Give Back Guide
Richard Barnhart, an internal medicine physician in Eugene, started donating to Beyond Toxics when he became concerned about pollutants in the air — especially the use of pesticides and the field burning that took place near his home.
“As an MD, I am convinced pesticides are not benign to humans,” Barnhart says. “I learned that Beyond Toxics was a strong advocate to reduce pesticides and feel it is important that there is an organization of citizens working to minimize exposure to pollutants.”
Barnhart appreciates Beyond Toxics because of the organization’s ability to inform people and propose tighter regulations that affect the community as a whole, students in schools and communities of color.
While Barnhart is able to give to a wide variety of nonprofits, what he values in any organization is its ability to help those around him. “I look for an organization to help people and especially people less fortunate or people who may be financially challenged,” Barnhart says.
“I feel that as a community and local, it is important to stand up and protect people from the harm that can be caused from corporate and economic interests,” Barnhart says. “It’s above the greater good of humanity.”

Praise from Eugene's progressive weekly publication
"Beyond Toxics has long been a voice for air and against toxic chemicals, and it’s one of the few nonprofits that has made environmental justice its mission in the area."
On the Jan. 26th news that J.H. Baxter was shutting down operations:
"This is AWESOME NEWS! You all are so AMAZING!"
~ Julie Sonam, Hearthstone Real Estate
"Wow, what a victory! Congratulations on all your hard work!"
Allen Hancock, community supporter
On the passage of SB 1602, the Oregon Forest Aerial Spray bill:
"Congratulations! I was so glad to see this bill pass and with such strong bipartisan support. This is a major public health victory, and we all owe Beyond Toxics a debt of gratitude."
- Andy Harris, MD
On the Feb. 10th, 2020 news of the pact between conservation groups (Beyond Toxics was co-signer) and timber companies for a process to update the Oregon Forest Practices Act:
"Congratulations, Lisa and all of Beyond Toxics! I am very grateful for your work on behalf of us all."
- Judith Raiskin
"What awesome news!! Boy do we need such good news! Thank you Beyond Toxics for your unending effort towards the things that matter most."
– Nir Pearlson
"Congratulations on the MOU....You all have played a remarkable, positive role in making this happen....You all have brought together so many issues affecting our health, and the natural resources so adversely damaged by poor forest practices....Thanks again for you wonderful work and this news."
– Wix Covey
"The recognition of this issue, finally, is long overdue and your efforts are vital to keeping this front and center....I've added my voice in contacting legislators to support HB4109, to stand up for the science that is being neglected, and for the environmental health we all deserve. Toxic exposures have to end, we need every opportunity to turn the corner on chemical dependency. Thank you for all the hard work."
– Stuart Todd
"We really admire what you do, and all the benefits of your work."
- Bob and Vera Moore
I donate to Beyond Toxics and I would like you to join me. Their goals, their mission melts my heart. "
– Dr. Ray Seidler, Senior Research Scientist, U.S. EPA, retired
Praise from our work on the Non Toxic Oregon project...
Maria Gerolaga
"Beyond Toxics is amazing! They look out for our children, our grandchildren and the next seven generations to come." - Maria Gerolaga, Medford, OR
Lauren Kemple
"Being part of an organization where we can actually see the change being implemented is so empowering and so amazing! Being connected to Non Toxic Southern Oregon and the support they provided was really empowering to see that we can make a difference." - Lauren Kemple, Murphy, OR
Rachel Hough
"I support Non Toxic Oregon [project] because they're doing the work necessary to end the spraying of these chemicals. It's an imperative in order to protect the health and well being--not just of our children--but of any human and any other living thing." - Rachel Hough, Phoenix, OR
High praise from Eugene's progressive weekly publication
"Beyond Toxics is everything the Trump agenda hates. So give this group some love.
The folks at Beyond Toxics stand up for the environmental health of low-income and minority communities that have historically been disproportionately impacted by pollution.
"Our concern is primarily with people and their exposure and vulnerability to chemicals," says Joel Iboa, the environmental justice community outreach manager.
Grassroots victories include forcing Union Pacific to clean up wetlands where they dumped creosote railroad ties, helping coastal communities stop a coal export terminal and fighting (and stopping) aerial herbicide sprays near some rural communities.
On the policy side, Beyond Toxics helped pass the law to ban field burning, passed the nations’ most protective pesticide regulations for school and banned gas stations from spewing the potent carcinogen benzene into nearby neighborhoods.
The group says that many toxics problems unfairly impact lower-income, rural and vulnerable communities. The concentration of polluting industries and lack of access to services that promote healthy living is especially burdensome because political and socio-economic conditions prevent these communities from demanding change, Beyond Toxics tells EW.
In the Trump era, expect less power for the poor and the vulnerable and more to go to Big Business and its polluting ways. Help Beyond Toxics fight for what’s right."
– Eugene Weekly's 2016 Give Guide, "Love Trumps Hate"

General testimonials
“...they [Beyond Toxics] serve as thought leaders in the regional conversation on toxics reform and have influenced and mobilized public opinion for change through rigorous grassroots organizing.”
- Pesticide Action Network North America
"Beyond Toxics does a great job of involving the community in the effort to save what's left of our bee populations and keeping the public informed about the latest threats to our tiny but important friends."
–Roy Keene, forest activist
"These people are doing good things the right way!"
–Barbara Green
"Lisa and staff have been instrumental in fighting air, water, and soil pollution associated with biomass electricity and fuels produced from Oregon forests. The fight is on and Beyond Toxics is at the forefront."
–Chris Zinda
"Just want you to know I saw the excellent film about the horrible subject of chemical trespass presented by Beyond Toxics. I shared it on FB and referenced Beyond Toxics' website so people could find out more about campaigns for environmental protection. Thank you for your wonderful presence."
–Carter McKenzie
"That was a great op-ed you wrote for the Register Guard. Congratulations on your fine work and your organization's new name. Yours is one of the few dynamic environmental organizations that actually gets things done.”
–Victor Rozek
“I have been proudly supporting Beyond Toxics for about 5 years now. I had no idea how crucial their advocacy was for the health of our community until I got involved. Don't idle, Bee healthy, get involved. Our lives depend on it!”
–Christine Cameron, business owner, Cameron and Company
"Thank you, Lisa, for caring so much about these issues that protect our health and the health of future generations. You've got to feel really good about your work."
–Candice Barr, CEO Lane County Medical Society
"So glad you're in the world doing what you do and being who you be."
–With love and gratitude, Kassy Daggett
"I have loved working with Beyond Toxics and as I was writing my resume, I was given the chance to reflect upon all the opportunities and skills I have gained from interning here and working with such intelligent and driven people. This opportunity has been invaluable to my college education and experience."
–Emily Nyholm, University of Oregon graduate student intern
"Please know that what you are doing is truly wonderful, an example for the rest of us, and of great great value, not only to the bees of Oregon but to the bees, pollinators, and ultimately all living beings of our world. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! Thank you so much for all the awesome things you do to preserve our environment! Beyond Toxics ROCKS!"
-Judit Covarrubias García

"I am moved by the work that you, staff, members, and volunteers are doing. I am inspired by the organization's need to make a difference for our community, overcoming many obstacles to achieve the mission of environmental justice."
–Wendy Harris
On the summer 2018 work to advocate for cleaner air and better control over industrial air polluters...
"Thanks for all that you do to bring us into awareness and help to create a healthier planet for all of us!"
–Wendy Harris
On our launch of the "Timber's Cover-Up" video and the Oregon Forest Voices campaign...
"Hurray for you all! This is great! Keep up the excellent work."
–Oregon family forest landowner
On our work to create a ban on neonics in Portland:
"Keep up the great work!"
–Jen Hornaday, Healthy Bees = Healthy Gardens
Testimonials after passage of Eugene City Council's passage (February 26) of a Council Resolution, “Enhancing Current Integrated Pest Management in Parks,” which bans the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on all city property:
"Congratulations to Beyond Toxics, to Eugene, and to the bees!"
–Diane Durrett
"Awesome job all of you wonderful people at Beyond Toxics! You are all so amazing, we respect you and appreciate all that you do so much!! Thank you, thank you, and way to go!! We are so encouraged that there are people like you who really care and make such an effort for all of us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!"
–Tim and Shauna Boyd
Testimonials we received about SB 613, the "Public Health and Water Resources Protection Act":
[You] "...continue to inspire me with your effectiveness."
~ Dr. Tom Titus, University of Oregon Biology Department
"Fabulous work! Thanks for all you do."
~ Sarah Cantril, Huerto de la Familia
"A great piece of work, congrats....I'd be delighted if even a third of what this bill is asking for made it through the legislature and State Board of Forestry."
~ Roy Keene
Great work, congratulations for your intelligent tenacity....I’m a solid supporter of the science-based approach that Beyond Toxics brings to the public forum in their efforts to protect Oregonians. I’m especially grateful that they lend a voice to those who may not be able to speak for themselves.
~ Candice Barr, CEO, Lane County Medical Society
Testimonials we received upon releasing the forestry pesticides report:
"SO EXCITING ABOUT THE REPORT AND COVERAGE!! Kudos and kudos to Beyond Toxics for such wonderful work. The [report] recommendations seem so eminently and strikingly SANE. Many thanks for advocating so well for the health of our communities."
–Ellen Rifkin, Eugene, OR
Testimonials we received from our many supporters around the state in response to HB 3364 passing:
"Congratulations on the state IPM bill passing the Senate and winging its way to the Gov’s desk. This is such an important step forward. Thank you for doing the work you do."
~ Allison Hensey, Oregon Environmental Council
"...it sure makes me proud to have helped gotten Beyond Toxics off the ground. You've taken BT to a level that we dreamed about. You've turned our dreams into reality. Thank you for that and Congrats on a job well done." ~ Michael Carrigan, co-founder Beyond Toxics (formerly Oregon Toxics Alliance)
"Thank you! Lisa and crew… thank you so much for this effort and collaborative project."
~ Jill Davidson
"Congratulations! This is a giant step forward for public health."
- Rachel’s Friends Breast Cancer Coalition
"That’s awesome news! Congratulations, and thanks so much for all your hard work!"
– Joanne Gross
"Wow, I just read the news...and it's so fantastic! As I was reading, I had one of those moments of clarity...that now you've made this great achievement, it certainly paves the way for others across the globe to do the same thing. We'll be able to point to Oregon as the living example of what can be done without pesticides. This is so powerful, and such a healing presence for the planet! I am just so dang proud of you...Way to go!"
- Patti Gora-McRavin, Safe Air For Everyone
On two different occasions in the last few years, Eugene Weekly has praised our work:
“OTA (now Beyond Toxics) works its rear end off to protect people, especially but not only kids and low-income and rural folks, from harmful pollutants. No cute kittens or other charismatic macrofauna can convey the depth of OTA's commitment to cleaning up and keeping safe our land, waterways and air.”
“...we've been following this remarkable Eugene-based group since it formed in 2000. OTA (now Beyond Toxics) has successfully linked environmental research with advocacy and applied a social justice approach to environmental protection at the state and local levels....”
In response to a Register-Guard article about the legal ruling requiring the Port of Coos Bay to release records:
"...bravo to you and your organization for standing up for the people of Coos County and all citizens of Oregon. This milestone event would never have happened without you all, Sierra Club, and FLOW working tenaciously for every one's constitutional right to know what the Coos Bay Port Authority planned to do to us and our environment. This tribesman knows full well what the dominant culture is capable of when seeking industrial growth and jobs at any cost for the benefit of a few. Let's continue to protect the commons for the benefit of all citizens and future generations."
~ David Petrie, Coos Waterkeeper (a member of Waterkeeper Alliance)
On the passage of the Eugene City Council resolution against coal trains...
“Wow, thank you for the good news, and for the amazing work you do organizing legislative action. You are my hero!” ~ Anna Alkin
“Great job on the no coal [vote]! We had faith you could do it! The bees thank you also!”
~ Doug Hornaday, Healthy Bees-Healthy Gardens