Beyond Toxics does not shy away from tough issues. It takes time, tenacity and creativity to solve problems. For example,…
Breathing life into our leaders of color
“I can’t breathe!” One man’s dying words, choked to death by a Minneapolis police officer, has become the rallying cry…
Organizing for Environmental Justice
Teams from Beyond Toxics and the NAACP Eugene/Springfield came together in 2018 to start the process of organizing an Environmental…
Health Problems in West Eugene Warrant a Closer Look
Hello, my name is Kylen Tromblay and I’m an Oregon State University intern at Beyond Toxics this summer. I just…
SB 1602 will make a difference for rural Oregonians sick of pesticide drift
When Allie McDermott and her partner heard the helicopter blades whirring early on a Sunday morning in March, they were…
First Foods for Spring
Food is our medicine. Foods not only provide nourishment for our body, they also nourish us emotionally and spiritually. Whether…
Double Trouble – Climate Change and COVID-19
As we expand our understanding and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to start thinking about how we are…
COVID-19 virus reveals that environmental justice is a public health issue
The pandemic of COVID-19 exposed the truth of environmental injustices. People of color have more underlying and serious health conditions,…
Free to breathe and thrive
I am passionate about the Earth just as I am passionate for humanity. In my eyes and the eyes of…
The Tough Keep Going: Advancing Forest Practices and Pesticide Reform
We’ve arrived at a moment when an agreement between corporate timber representatives and environmental health and forest protection defenders has…