Beyond Toxics does not shy away from tough issues. It takes time, tenacity and creativity to solve problems. For example,…
SB 1602 will make a difference for rural Oregonians sick of pesticide drift
When Allie McDermott and her partner heard the helicopter blades whirring early on a Sunday morning in March, they were…
The Tough Keep Going: Advancing Forest Practices and Pesticide Reform
We’ve arrived at a moment when an agreement between corporate timber representatives and environmental health and forest protection defenders has…
The Real Cause Of Division In Communities
Amanda Astor ends her recent Register-Guard column with “Better understanding of forests and the science behind decision making can bring…
We Need A Revolution Of Forest Resiliency (Not Logjam Lunacy)
On June 27th, a logjam of logging trucks circled our state Capitol, spreading lies and fear and spewing diesel soot.…
We won! And Bayer Chemical lost!
On May 9th, Oregon became the first state in the country to restrict the use of Aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP), an herbicide…
How old growth Ponderosa pine trees became hazardous waste
It may be easier to be concerned about wolves, salmon and eagles perishing than it is to feel remorse over…
Farmworkers deserve better pesticide rules
More than 1 billion pounds of poisonous pesticides are applied on farms annually in the United States, resulting in as…