Mom-Child-Strawberry_Ban Chlorpyrifos

The Power of Grassroots Action: Oregon's Triumph Over Chlorpyrifos

This development highlights the power of grassroots action. Oregon’s new law on chlorpyrifos is stronger and more protective than the…

Pump to Progress: Ending the Legacy of Gas Station Contamination

Underground petroleum contamination is a widespread problem that drains public resources and has been routinely mismanaged to the detriment of…

Pollute, Dispute and Scoot!


First Foods for Spring

Food is our medicine. Foods not only provide nourishment for our body, they also nourish us emotionally and spiritually. Whether…

Free to breathe and thrive

I am passionate about the Earth just as I am passionate for humanity. In my eyes and the eyes of…

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Lane County Office
120 Shelton McMurphey Blvd.
Suite 280
Eugene, OR 97401

+1 (541) 465-8860

Jackson County Office
312 N. Main St., Suite B
Phoenix, Oregon 97535

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1106
Eugene, OR 97440

Daily: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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