2020 Beauty of the Bee Photo Contest Winners
Special thanks to GloryBee for being this year's photo contest sponsor!*

Congratulations to our TOP WINNERS (see below): Edward Jackson, Kent Morley, and Don Latarski! Congratulations also to our amazing Honorable Mentions (see below): Mark Hullinger, Patricia Edmonds and Amber Bishop! Director's Choice: Joanie Kleban; Most Appreciated on Facebook: Fonta Molyneaux.
1) Edward Jackson, "Where Am I?"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now (briefly).
"Without bees we won't be here anymore. We need them to pollinate flowers, fruits and most likely many of the items we consume each and every day. I walk among them in my backyard with no fear that they will harm. They buzz me and swirl around me, and then they go back to work. I'm told we need yellow-jackets! I've got picture of them killing honey bees and my favorite bumble bees. Yet, we are all part of the system and need each other."
2) Kent Morley, "In Full Camo"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now (briefly).
"The Coronavirus pandemic has been a lesson in how something tiny can have a huge impact on the entire world. Our small, pollinator friends similarly have a profound impact on our lives. The decline of bees is likely to have a devastating impact on the world as we know it and any effort to reverse this trend is an investment in ourselves and a sustainable future."
3) Don Latarski, "Pollen Coat"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now (briefly).
"As a macro photographer I really pay attention to all of the pollinators. They work harder than any of us! They are the great connectors ensuring the diversity and viability so necessary to the plant world and in turn to ours."
Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mention 1: Mark Hullinger, "Long-Horned Bee"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now.
"Bees bring so much beauty to our world."
Honorable Mention 2: Patricia Edmonds, "Communication"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now.
"Planetary survival depends on our ability to protect all species. Bees are critical pollinators that are essential to maintaining the availability of food across the planet."
Honorable Mention 3: Amber Bishop, "On Beeing Well"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now (briefly).
"I keep finding bees visiting the "medicine plants" on our micro farm. And as cannabis produces no nectar or (in our plants' case) pollen; one has to wonder what they are doing on there!? Perhaps this little bee is collecting the spicy resins to mix into propolis for her colonies' well being? Either way, I'm delighted to see our clean, organic practices serving our beloved bees-- the evidence of a job well done puts a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. This is another reason to protect bees: it feels good to be like a bee and act in ways that benefit all!"
Director's Choice Award: Joanie Kleban, "Bees Knees"

Tell our leaders why it's so important to save bees now (briefly).
"Bees are the essential workers, actively stimulating healthy plant growth, pollinating fruits and vegetables, trees and flowers. Their focused labor abuzz with activity keeps a balance in the natural world; crucial small lives busy linking nature's intricate network with pollen elixir."
Fonta Molyneaux, "Beeing the change!"

*Thanks to kind support from GloryBee!
GloryBee is proud to support Beyond Toxics' 8th Annual Beauty of the Bee Photo Contest! Honey bees are our favorite pollinators of course, but we love them all. And everything we do to help one bee, helps the others. Like decreasing pesticide use and creating more habitat with diverse floral resources. We started our SAVE the BEE Initiative to increase awareness of the plight of honey bees, and SAVE the BEE has been a consistent supporter of Beyond Toxic’s work to protect all of Oregon’s bees.