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Submit written testimony to support composting commercial food waste in Corvallis!


Corvallis City Council is hosting a work session on an ordinance that requires restaurants and grocery stores to sort and compost food waste. The City’s Climate Action Advisory Board has recommended Option E to the city council.

Why is this important?
Composting food waste dramatically reduces the greenhouse gasses produced by decomposing food when compared to landfilling. Composting also allows for food waste to be turned into a beneficial soil or fertilizer rather than taking up precious space in landfills where it would remain for an extendd period.

The EPA currently estimates that 24% of landfill space is dedicated to storing food waste. Grocery stores and restaurants are the TOP source of food waste. Lastly, this ordinance will help the city of Corvallis meet its waste diversion goals required by the state of Oregon. Metro Oregon has banned food waste for businesses in its 23 cities and 3 counties. It's time that Corvallis follows their lead!

How you can get involved

Testify by official written comment
You must submit your testimony by July 18th at 12:00 pm.

See below for an example testimony.

Write to the Corvallis Mayor and City Council: city.recorder@corvallisoregon.gov and cc: mayorandcouncil@corvallisoregon.gov

You don’t need to be a resident of Corvallis to submit comments, but you will be asked for your address. If you live outside of the Corvallis area, it would be of value to express your views, as climate mitigation helps everyone.


Sample Testimony

Dear Mayor and City Councilors,

I am writing to voice my support for a commercial food waste ordinance as recommended by the Climate Action Advisory Board. This ordinance would require the city’s largest food waste producers to compost facilities. This would reduce the climate impact of food waste disposal, create beneficial soil, and preserve precious space in the nearby Coffin Butte Landfill.

This is especially important as Coffin Butte landfill is currently under investigation for failing to curb excess greenhouse gas emissions created by decomposing organic material. The EPA estimates that food waste is the single largest category of organic waste put into landfills. Option E recommended by the Climate Action Advisory Board would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1115 Tons a year and ensure the city meets the state’s required food waste diversion goals.


[Your Name]
Resident of Ward [Ward Number]

Ward Map Here

The City of Eugene is seeking feedback re:
Building Decarbonization

In collaboration with Fossil Free Eugene, we wanted to share a few opportunities for you to express barriers when it comes to home energy upgrades as well as feedback and solutions for decarbonizing new and existing buildings. As a reminder, building decarbonization means reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy usage to power homes and buildings!

How you can help

Submit a public comment or share the comment in person!

If you would like to share feedback or solutions to building decarbonization by 2045, we encourage you to share a public comment in person! This can be at the City Council Meeting or Public Hearing.

In person at the next meeting:

WHAT: City Council Meeting and Public Hearing
WHEN: Monday, July 8th @ 7:30 pm

Fill out the Request to Speak form on Monday, July 8. The Request to Speak form will be open from 7:00pm to 7:35pm. Public Comment speakers must be in-person.

Via email:

Please email your public comment to Natalie Venhuda (nvenhuda@eugene-or.gov)
DEADLINE: by the end of the day on July 8th.


Requests for City Councilors and Mayor Vinis:

  • Set Standards for Gas Appliances: Create a policy that requires gas furnaces and water heaters sold in Eugene to have low nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.

  • Increase Natural Gas Tax: Raise Eugene's Natural Gas Supplier Tax from 5% to 10%. Use the extra money to help low-income households switch to electric energy.

  • All-Electric New Buildings: Implement a policy that mandates new buildings receiving City subsidies or special permits to be built with only electric energy.

  • Climate Pollution Fee: Charge a fee for installing gas systems in new homes and businesses, based on the EPA’s 15-year social cost of carbon. Use this fee to help low-income households switch to electric energy.

  • Stop Gas Pipeline Expansion: Prohibit the expansion of gasoline and natural gas pipelines in public areas within city limits.

Protect Golden Gardens Park

Say NO to plastic artificial turf at Golden Gardens Park!

Golden Gardens Park is one of the few natural areas with wildlife habitat in Bethel and is a crown jewel of the community. The site features herons, bald eagles, and Western Pond Turtles. The City of Eugene is proposing a new community sporting complex to meet the community’s need to accommodate recreational activities. While we support local sports and recreation, the proposal will include adding a significant amount of plastic Astroturf to this highly sensitive habitat.

We urge the City Council and the Golden Gardens Park Advisory Group to reject proposals to use Astroturf at the sporting complex. Astroturf is plastic grass that disintegrates when exposed to sunlight and contributes to the environmental burden of microplastics in local and global environments. Microplastics are also absorbed into the blood of wildlife and people, and has been linked with cancer, particularly youth who are in the goalie position. | Learn more about our Golden Gardens campaign

Sign the in-Eugene petition

Sign the outside Eugene petition


Take Action for a Gas Station Moratorium


The Eugene City Council and Mayor are currently considering a land use policy that would ban the construction of new gas stations. We ask that the council schedule a work session as soon as possible, and that they make a motion to pass the policy. We need your help to protect public health and our environment! Eugene City Councilors needs to hear from you now! Use our testimony guide to make your voice heard.

Read our NEW Report, Beneath The Pump: The Threat of Petroleum Contamination (PDF) on the dangers of petroleum contamination.

Read the Guest Viewpoint in Eugene Weekly by Nate Wilson, Beyond Toxics LUST/UST Data Analysis Intern: Rethinking the Pump - Why there is no need for new gas stations

Learn more about a gas station moratorium | Sign the petition to Eugene's City Council



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