Register-Guard EDITORIAL: Shine light on forest sprays – State law provides access to too little information (Jan. 12, 2014)

Interview with Lisa Arkin, Exec. Director, on KLCC radio - Dec. 18, 2013
Listen to the mp3 file of the interview (mp3 file opens in new web browser)

Interview with Lisa Arkin, Exec. Director, and Peter Hayes on Jefferson Public Radio - Friday, Dec. 20, 2013 (mp3 file opens in new web browser) - online print coverage on JPR

Interview with Lisa Arkin, Exec. Director, on KUGN radio with Storm Kennedy - Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013 (mp3; 6Mb; opens in new browser window)

Oregonian Coverage Dec 15, 2013

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by Jeff Barnard, AP
Dec. 15, 2013 (OregonLive - Portland/statewide)

Chemical Sprays Continue Sickening Rural Residents BY CAMILLA MORTENSEN - Dec. 26, 2013 (Eugene Weekly)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake By JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (Seattle Post-Intelligencer - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake By JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (San Francisco Gate - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake - Head9 National (top 9 national news stories), Dec. 15, 2013

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake By JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (KVAL-TV - Eugene, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by Jeff Barnard, AP (KOIN-TV - Portland, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (KATU-TV in Portland, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (Bend Bulletin - Bend, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (Corvallis Gazette-Times - Corvallis, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by Jeff Barnard, AP (Dec. 15, 2013 - KTVZ-TV Bend, OR)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (Albany Democrat-Herald - Albany, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report: Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake, where residents complained of illness by JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press (The Republic of Columbus, IN - Dec. 15, 2013)

Herbicides Increased Around Triangle Lake Jeff Barnard, AP - (KTVL-TV in Medford, OR - Dec. 15, 2013)

Report Demonstrates Herbicide Spraying Increased Around Triangle Lake By Jeff Barnard - AP (December 15, 2013) - Oregon Wild web site

Report: Forest spraying increases - The Beyond Toxics analysis says herbicide use is up 56 percent near Triangle Lake by JEFF BARNARD Associated Press - December 16, 2013 (Eugene Register-Guard) - Read PDF file

Report: Herbicide use increased around lake by JEFF BARNARD Associated Press - December 16, 2013 (Earthfix) News: ENVIRONMENT | OREGON
Documents: Herbicides Increased Around Triangle Lake - AP | Dec. 16, 2013

Report: Herbicide use increased around lake by JEFF BARNARD Associated Press - December 16, 2013 (Capital Press: The West's Ag web site)

Herbicides increased around Triangle Lake by Jeff Barnard, Associated Press - Dec. 18, 2013 (Coos Bay World)

Beyond Toxics and our Dec. 15th report is mentioned in this article:
Fed To Require Strengthened State Protection from Non-point Pesticide Pollution (Dec. 23, 2013) news report derived from Oregonian article and this Beyond Pesticides blog | (federal register notice referenced; EPA and NOAA’s proposed disapproval action of Oregon’s Coastal Nonpoint Program)

Coming on the heels of the Dec. 15th release of our forestry pesticides report, good news from Washington, DC…Oregonian article:

“Federal regulators are proposing to overturn the state of Oregon’s program for reducing coastal pollution runoff, saying while they see progress, the state is inadequately protecting streams that provide coho salmon habitat and drinking water….
The federal agencies say the state needs to reduce pollution from logging activities past and present. Oregon needs to protect small and medium-sized streams, address landslide risks and reduce runoff from logging roads built before modern construction standards were in place, the agencies say.”


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