Please TAKE ACTION to end aerial spaying of Beaver Creek, Oregon TODAY!
Comment period ends Thursday, Aug. 17th @5 pm!
You may remember the horrific timber aerial pesticide sprays that poisoned entire communities in Gold Beach and Triangle Lake as well as Darryl Ivy, the forestry worker who was sickened as he videotaped the drift that hit him while on the job. There are many more that didn’t get as much press but were just as damaging to local residents: Glide, Mapleton, Oakland, Evans Creek, and so many more communities. The common theme for all these communities is acute and chronic sickness and threats to drinking water, organic gardens and wildlife.
It is shameful that the list of impacted communities continues to grow as our Board of Forestry and Legislators fail to take action to end aerial sprays.
The latest community to fight to stop aerial sprays in their watershed is in the areas surrounding Beaver Creek, south of Newport. An out-of-state land owner is planning an aerial herbicide spray that would cover a total of 473.6 acres much of it alongside streams that are important fish habitat and drinking water sources. Of particular concern is this operation could impact the Seal Rock Water District water intake operations and their 5500 water users! The permit is authorized by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) between September 2nd. and November 30th.
It is unacceptable that the State of Oregon continues to permit aerial pesticide sprays in the municipal drinking water intake systems. Oregonians are sick and tired of having this repeated chemical assault on our communities and their watersheds.
What can you do?
We recommend reading Representative Gomberg’s comments published in the Tillamook County newspaper.
Representative Gomberg, Beyond Toxics and all the concerned folks living in Oregon’s coastal forested communities urge you to submit comments to the Oregon Department of Forestry to ask for the aerial spray in the Beaver Creek Natural Aera to be stopped.
The comment period closes on Thursday, August 17 at 5:00PM.
Add your voice to the movement to stop aerial sprays and help a targeted community NOW! If you wish to oppose the Beaver Creek spray permit, you can submit remarks via email to
**To ensure your voice is correctly added to the record,
please include this notification number in the subject line of your email: 2023-553-09307.
You can write about some of these points – be direct and keep it simple!
· Aerial spray results in chemical drift which poisons creeks and rivers serving Oregonians as their sole source of drinking water. Stop the aerial spray at Beaver Creek!
· There are households and protected wildlife habitat throughout the spray area. Their needs for safety and health must be prioritized over a timber owner’s profits and convenience.
· Aerial spray is a tank mix of a chemical soup of dangerous active ingredients, additives, surfactants and “inert” (a.k.a., undisclosed) ingredients. I call upon the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) to stop allowing these chemicals to be applied by chopper over our forests, streams and communities.