Pesticide Exposure Resources

What to do if you think you've been exposed to pesticides.
Protect yourself!
What pesticide exposure resources can you access if you think you or your loved ones have been exposed to pesticides?
People, pets, and wildlife can be at risk for health problems as a result of exposure to pesticides. Pesticides can be absorbed by breathing air with vapor or particles, contact with skin, or through contaminated food or water. Off-target pesticide drift can occur after an application via any method (i.e., aerial, from vehicles, backpack or hand-held methods).
Be very careful when in an area that has been sprayed with pesticides. Depending on the type of pesticide, vapors and residue may remain in the air or on nearby surfaces for hours or days after a spray.
You have the right to file a complaint
Pesticides are regulated in Oregon by the Oregon Department of Agriculture in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 634 Pesticide Control.
How to file a compliant
All pesticide complaints receive a response from a state agency within 24 hours. You will be asked by an agency staff person if you are seeking information or filing a complaint.
You must state clearly (on the phone or when filing a complaint form) that you are “making or filing a pesticide complaint.” If you do not make this statement, the agency is not obligated to respond to your complaint. Important: It is your right to ask for a case number, so be sure you ask for your case number and when you can expect an investigator to contact you directly.
Pesticide Exposure Resources - Government Agencies
Contact the Pesticide Analytic Response Center (PARC)
To report a pesticide incident that has impacted people, animals, bees, or the environment, call 503-986-6470. Your call will be routed 24 hours a day to 211-info specialists, who will record your information. PARC staffers will contact you within one business day.
PARC Coordinator:
PARC coordinates investigations to collect and analyze information about reported incidents. PARC engages in these functions: collect incident information, mobilize expertise for investigations, identify trends and patterns of problems, make policy or other recommendations for action, report results of investigations, and prepare activity reports for each legislative session.
PARC Resources
Concerned About a Pesticide Application?
What to do and whom to call if exposed or concerned about pesticides (PDF)
En Español (PDF)
Oregon Department of Agriculture, Pestcide Division
Phone: 503-986-4635
Online Complaint Form (PDF)
IMPORTANT: Report of Loss Form
What to do next about pesticide exposure
10 Steps to Take If You Are Affected By Herbicide Drift (PDF)
Is it necessary to collect samples for lab testing?
In some situations, after you file a pesticide complaint, the Department of Agriculture may collect vegetation samples or swabs from objects for laboratory analysis to determine the presence/extent of uncontrolled pesticide drift.
In certain situations you may want/need to collect your own water or vegetation samples to determine the presence of pesticides at your own expense. Environmental Sampling can be expensive and samples must be carefully collected in a timely manner and stored/transported properly for accurate results.
Always contact the laboratory you plan to use for the cost of testing and instructions on how to collect your sample and submit for analysis.
Certified Analytical Laboratories serving Oregon
Call or email Beyond Toxics for assistance
As Oregon’s leading environmental justice organization, we collect data on pesticide poisoning and/or pesticide damage incidents for research and to help our members. We want to help you seek justice through regulatory and legislative reform on chemical policies. Tell us your story.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions about pesticides.
We can help walk you through the process to file a complaint with the Oregon Department of Agriculture. We can help you connect with others who are knowledgeable about pesticide exposures. We may be able to advise you with pesticide drift sampling (vegetation, water).
Jennifer Eisele, Ecosystems and Communities Project Manager
Phone: 541-465-8860 x812
From the Oregon Department of Agriculture:
What To Do If You Are Exposed to Pesticides information:
Steps to take if exposed to pesticides (PDF)
To Find Pesticide Information: Know the Science
National Pesticide Information Center
(800) 858-7378 /
For Information About Pesticide Regulations in Oregon
Oregon Department of Agriculture – Pesticides Division
(503) 986-4635 /
Pesticides at Work: Know Your Risks and Regulations
Oregon Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
(503) 378-3274
Medical Emergencies and Immediate Health Concerns
Oregon Poison Center
Poison Hotline: 800-222-1222
To Report a Pesticide Spill or Release
Oregon Emergency Response System
(800) 452-0311 | (503) 378-6377
For questions regarding pesticide use issues in Eugene, contact:
City of Eugene Natural Resources and Urban Forestry
541-682-4826 (direct line); 541-682-4800 (department)
DISCLAIMER: There is no uniform way that all people are exposed to pesticide spray drift. People are exposed to pesticides in many different ways and places. The information on this page is meant to help you navigate through the resources available in our state.