Regenerative Ecosystems

Industrialized and chemically-driven agricultural and timber production violate our right to healthy, non-toxic food and the benefits of nature’s life-sustaining processes.

What we are doing

We are working with farming and forestry communities to build a regenerative economy that supports biodiversity, climate resilience and thriving soils capable of growing healthy and bountiful crops. Our partners are farm workers, forestry workers and other impacted communities who are leading the transition towards beneficial solutions.


Golden Garden Ponds Park_ducks_800x600

Protect Golden Gardens

We celebrate the wildlife and critical habitats of Golden Gardens Park in the Bethel area of West Eugene. Did you know that Golden Gardens Park is home to one of Oregon’s two native turtle species? The Northwestern Pond Turtle is a state sensitive species and the sight of them basking in the sun in the Golden Garden ponds delights us all. However, their continued existence in these ponds is threatened by the city’s proposed Sports Complex as it may be closer than the required 500 foot buffer, and may allow the possible use of acres of artificial turf fields at this site.


Resilient Forestry

The Resilient Forestry Campaign protects forest lands, watersheds and the ecosystems upon which native plants, wildlife and communities depend. Beyond Toxics provides leadership within statewide coalitions to link forest protections with climate mitigation while pressing for major reforms of forest laws and practices.


Non Toxic Oregon

Our Non Toxic Oregon Project advocates for protecting people, pets, and wildlife across Oregon from toxic pesticides in parks, sports fields, schools, and roadsides. We encourage land managers to rethink the management of turf in parks, school grounds, playing fields, golf courses, public spaces, and yards, as well as in food production spaces.


Kalapuya Cultural Project and Wetlands Preservation

The mural Willamette Wetlands of the Kalapuya is part of a larger project sponsored by Beyond Toxics and Friendly Area Neighbors Equity Action Team. The project includes an informational kiosk, this web resource, environmental and cultural curriculum resources, and ongoing enhancement of the park wetlands to preserve and expand the presence of the significant native plants within these sites.

~ Jane Goodall